Thursday, November 30, 2023


I was in Pakistan in Oct 2023 to travel the Karakoram Highway (KKH), the highest in the World, and be mesmerized by its marvels and awe. KKH is also known as the Eighth Wonder of the World, especially by the military veterans who first undertook its construction in the mid 6o's. Nanga Parbat at 8,126m ASL, one of the 14 eight-thousanders and ranked 9th highest of them, as seen from the KKH. It's also referred to as the "Killer Mountain" for its treacherous slopes and extreme weather.
Essential information about Nanga Parbat

Map of KKH. Total distance we travelled from Islamabad to Khunjerab Pass and back was about 2,000 km. It was an exciting journey of discovery of glaciers, great mountain ranges and rivers, high mountain passes, Pakistani taboos, customs and practices and cuisine  

Grandfather and grandson out for a walk. Males don't mind being photographed but it's taboo for females unless permission is granted

Hindu Kush is the place where three great mountain ranges meet - the Himalayas, Karakoram Mountains and Hindu Kush. It's also the confluence of two great rivers - Gilgit and Indus

Say Keow ceremonially laying a wreath at the Gilgit Chinese Memorial Cemetery, the resting place for Chinese engineers and military officers who died building KKH thru the 60's and 70's. It is taken care of by a Pakistani for the past 45 years

These children are eagerly standing outside the cemetery to speak Chinese with visitors

KKH (part of the China One Belt, One Road initiative) can be considered to be the "New Silk Road" and was built alongside the Old Silk Road used by traders and pilgrims from China, Europe and other countries

A section of the KKH with the Old Silk Road on the mountainside (right)

Rakaposhi Mountain in graphics

Rakaposhi is short of 212 m to qualify as one of the eight-thousanders,14 of which exist now. Nonetheless, as stated in the graphics, it is not easy to conquer. Can you spot a cyclist on a zipline emerging from the trees?


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