Tuesday, August 28, 2018

MALAYSIA ROUND UP - 2018 - Cont'd

WW II weapons on display in the Kota Bahru War Museum . We couldn't enter as it was closed.

The Post Office which has been retained from colonial days.

The 10,600 sq ft Muhammadi Mosque named after the late Sultan Muhammad IV. It was originally built of wood in 1867 and replaced by concrete between 1922 - 1925. A renowned centre of Islamic learning, it is also known as Serambi Mekah (Corridor of Mecca) for that reason. Present construction incorporates Mogul style domes and Roman columns in its main prayer hall.

Adjacent to the mosque, this building houses an NGO which conducts tours of the mosque plus running a child care centre.

Satay a la Kelantan.

Nik with a distant relative whose stall we patronised for our breakfast. She was so happy to see him as he came unannounced.

A good selection of traditional Kelantan food. From these containers, one can select Nasi Dagang, Nasi Minyak, Nasi Kerabu and others.

Nasi Dagang is my favourite. Basically there is rice and a slice of tuna. Chicken may be added as desired. Don't be deceived by its apparent simplicity. I was introduced to this by Nik many years ago when I went to visit him in KL and have  thought about it all along. There is a unique food called Nasi Tumpang which is packed in a cone and meant to be taken on a journey.

Kites for sale at Pantai Cahaya Bulan (Moonlight Bay). Kelantan is renowned for kites which would be specially made for competitions. Those for display are to be flown for fun only.

Pantai Cahaya Bulan, as it is now called, was originally known as Pantai Cinta Berahi (Beach of Passionate Love). The change of name was a PAS initiative after it became the ruling party of Kelantan. I first visited it in 1982/3.

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