Sunday, February 15, 2015


The 'seat' attributed to Arthur, purportedly the first tourist guide in Kandy.

This bath house dates back to an earlier era when the king's women (concubines eg) would take their baths here. It's being renovated.

You won't be wrong to think this is a natural lake in Kandy but it's a tank (reservoir).

Attending a cooking demo on how to use spices in curries.

And enjoying a shoulder massage.

The plant from which the spice, Cardamom, is produced.

The good doctor telling us about the benefits of Sri Lankan spices.

This is one of the tanks (reservoirs) which Sri Lanka from the time of the kings and the colonial masters have had to build as the country is called the "dry zone" and rainfall only occurs during the monsoon period at the end of the year. This particular tank (and others) burst its sluice gates about 3 days after we left causing floods which eventually made 1 million people homeless and caused untold damage to crops esp rice paddies.

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