Friday, April 15, 2016


 This is the Central Market in Phnom Penh where we had great breakfast, bought the stuff we needed for the visits to the villages and also some of our own shopping. In itself, it's an interesting place to explore for there are hundreds of stalls selling fresh food items, cooked food, household items, watches, electronics goods and lots of other stuff.
 Some monks (maybe novices) walking in front of the Royal Palace in Phnom Penh.
On Sundays, the road in front of the Royal Palace is closed for the people to frolic and picnic there. At night, the Palace is brightly lit.
Some boats in the Tongle Sap River alongside the Sisowath Quay. This river joins up with the Mekong. The boat people will come ashore at night to rest there. I wonder if they are Vietnamese sea-gypsies.
During my last visit here, there were no grand buildings on the opposite bank of the Tongle Sap. Now, there is a big building which is a hotel. Further upstream, many buildings were also put up.
To celebrate the success of our mission trip, we shared a jug of Angkor beer at a cafe in Rue 118. My apologies to those who know that I usually abstain from alcohol these days.

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