Sunday, February 15, 2015


Nuwara Eliya from the hotel window. Typical of a colonial British hill station.
A colonial looking building currently housing a bank.
Preparing to load up in the two jeeps for our Yala National Park safari. This is mild compared to the one we undertook in Kruger National Park, S Africa in 1992. The mud tracks presented somewhat of a health hazard for those ill-prepared for it.
One of the bigger waterfalls on the way from Nuwara Eliya to Yala National Park.
The other nine at a half-way house on the way to Yala National Park. Very nice weather at this place with nice views but the tea was hopeless and yet cost the most of all we tried!
"Take me, take me," she would always say, meaning she wants to be photographed.
The view of the valley from the half-way house stop. Kinda reminds me of Bei Hai in Huangshan.

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